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Site Selection

Finding the right location for your crypto data center is increasingly challenging. Cryptic Farms has developed a portfolio of sites within low cost energy markets to help jump start the process. Our consulting services are available for new site sourcing on projects requiring more unique location characteristics.   

Arkansas / Texas / Georgia / Kentucky / Ohio 

Air Cooled

There are many good options for small to mid sized air cooled operations. Predominantly located in industrial parks or otherwise approved areas established by the town/county. 

We maintain a growing portfolio of locations that are appropriate for air-cooled operations from 4 - 20MVA rated capacity. Contact us to get started.

Immersion Cooled

Because immersion cooled operations run quieter, we're able to offer a series of locations specifically suited to these types of operations. Often in more desirable locations with better economics. 

The word is definitely out! Air cooled sites that generate a large amounts of noise pollution are finding it increasingly difficult to expand. Silent operations are a competitive advantage

Carpenter Dam.jpg


Nuclear, hydro, wind, solar generation mix w/ net metering

$10,000 State relocation incentives for certain tech workers

Workforce development programs for Crypto jobs

Approved Crypto Mining rate schedule with primary utility

2023 saw changes to the regulatory framework in Arkansas for where crypto mines can be located. Similarly, robust noise ordinances have been passed in 70 counties with unique data center/crypto mining facility requirements. Cryptic Farms supports these ordinances and operates on a strict Good Neighbor policy when originating sites for our intended use. 

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